There they enjoyed the warm weather and delicious BBQ, as well as expanding their family with the birth of their daughter Lily. One particularly cold winter persuaded Emily and her husband Michael to leave the chill and move south to Austin, Texas. Their friendship grew, and a few months later, when the Friedman family’s journey brought them to Detroit, Yaira suggested that perhaps there would be an opening for a PJ Library Ambassador in Detroit.” Natalie’s disbelief came when she found out that the Detroit community actually was looking for someone special to fill that role – and the match was made!Įmily Morgan grew up a Midwest girl in Grand Rapids, moving to Chicago for work after completing college. Natalie received a call from Yaira, a local PJ Library Ambassador, inviting her to come to a gathering – and sharing that if she didn’t come or couldn’t call back because she was taking care of the baby, that it was fine. Their lives took them to warm, sunny California, where their family expanded with the birth of their daughter Madison. She became active in the Jewish Federation there, met her beshert (soul mate), Jaron, and got married. Natalie Friedman, a born-and-bred Detroit girl, followed her path to Chicago for work. We hear it over and over: “We just moved to Detroit with my family from (fill in the blank) and want to be sure to stay a part of PJ Library.” These two stories go one step further. “Wherever you go, there’s always someone Jewish! And wherever you go, there’s PJ Library!” Goldman, sharing the book that was written “about her!” (It wasn’t – just a lovely coincidence!) Coming Home Goldman arrived in homes in January, it would spark such surprise and delight? Students came running up to Mrs. Yet who knew that, when the PJ Library book, A Hat for Mrs. Over the years, there have been many handmade hats, and the gift has become a longtime tradition. Whenever a fellow teacher has a baby, Mrs. Goldman, a teacher at Farber Day School’s Early Childhood Center, is a passionate knitter. Goldman tells her, explaining that a “keppie” (Yiddish) is a head and a “mitzvah” (Hebrew) is a good deed.” – from A Hat for Mrs. “Keeping keppies warm is our mitzvah,” Mrs. So imagine her surprise when she received a video from her daughter Naomi showing 2½ year old Gigi “reading”… to her dog! From holding up the PJ Library book How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Hanukkahto retelling the story to her dog Annie (yes, her dog!) and making sure Annie was attentive, Gigi brought joy to her parents and Bubby! One Stitch at a Time During her visits to Denver, Judy spends time reading to Gigi, something they both love. Judy Loebl, Director of Adult Jewish Learning for the Jewish Federation, knew her granddaughter Gigi loves receiving her PJ Library books and having them read to her. 12 years of knowing this man and 13 hours after said tea party, and I’m still in shock beyond words!!! Thank you, PJ!!” A real, live tea with Zaydie, to Brooke Miller’s utter surprise

“Soooo, my father in law, who is VERY quiet and unassuming, surprised my girls this morning with a FREAKIN’ TEA PARTY! He set it up before he left for work, and included the PJ book, Tea with Zayde. What he did next can best be shared in Brooke’s own words from Facebook. Tea for Twoīrooke Miller, owner of Honey Space Moms and mom extraordinaire to two beautiful little girls, shared a story about her father-in-law, who received the book Tea with Zaydiefrom PJ Library. In honor of March being National Reading month, we share these stories with you. While this in itself is exciting, what happens beyond the books is transforming lives. Parents and children snuggle together to read books and explore Jewish thoughts, values and holidays. Little squeals of excitement and the sounds of envelopes ripping open happen every month when the gift of a PJ Library book comes to over 1,900 children in Metropolitan Detroit. PJ Library Stories By Vivian Henoch, Editor myJewishDetroit March 1, 2017