If the error is on line 241, then quite possibly there’s an issue with the “-version” flag when running that command.
It’s hard to reverse engineer someone else’s code, but from the looks of it, their code is parsing out the version of software you are running on your PC. If they have a line of code that is triggering the crash, then quite possibly there’s an issue in the code.
“We don’t have any firewall rules or restrictions on your PC that would block anything, nor am I see anything in the SentinelOne logs indicating that it’s blocking anything (and I get notifications on everything from there). Our IT security team sent this to me after forwarding your comments. self._radiance_version = tuple(ver_array).try: # try to parse the version into a list of integers.self._radiance_version_str = base_str # set the version string.process = subprocess.Popen(cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=use_shell).
use_shell = True if os.name = 'nt' else False. else os.path.join(self.radbin_path, 'mkpmap'). rad_exe = os.path.join(self.radbin_path, 'mkpmap.exe') if os.name = 'nt' \. """Get the Radiance version properties by making a call to a Radiance command.""". self.standards_data_folder = default_path. # set path for the standards_data_folder. In particular, this line of code is probably what is triggering the crash: ladybug-tools/honeybee-radiance/blob/master/honeybee_radiance/config.py#L241 I can tell you what is causing the crash is the use of the IronPython subprocess module. I would infer that this is probably related to some type of IT restriction that has been placed on your computer. Hyper-V - Virtualization Enabled in Firmware Yes Hyper-V - Second Level Address Translation Extensions Yes Virtualization-based security Not enabledĭevice Encryption Support Elevation Required to View Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = “1.1151” PCR7 Configuration Elevation Required to View Processor Intel(R) Core™ i7-8700K CPU 3.70GHz, 3696 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 12 Logical Processor(s) Could I please get some assistance? I am based in Las Vegas and we would like to implement techniques for determining solar shading and building massing based on radiance information. My IT department has looked into this and does not believe our security systems are stopping it.
I have installed the correct version of Radiance. However, whenever I attempt to use the Cumulative Sky Matrix, Rhino and Grasshopper crash without an incident report. It is a great for compiling weather information. I installed Ladybug using the Wiki - GitHub instructions.